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RCOS Materials

Online Brochures

Brochure of NII Research Data Cloud: FY2022 (in Japanese)

Brochure of NII Research Data Cloud: FY2020 (in Japanese)

RCOS's Brochure: FY2019

RCOS's Brochure: FY2018 (in Japanese)

RCOS's Leaflet: FY2018 (in Japanese)

RCOS's Leaflet: FY2017 (in Japanese)

RCOS Official Macsot Character

Character Introduction

Cos-jiro Images : PDF / PNG image

RCOS Video for Public Relations

RCOS's Presentation Materials

Dec. 15, 2017 : AXIES 2017 Annual Meeting

Kazutsuna Yamaji, "Construction of research data infrastructure in Japan" (in Japanese)

Miho Funamori, "EDUCAUSE 2017: Research Data Management (RDM) session holding report" (in Japanese)

Nov. 7, 2017 : NII Forums in Library Fair 2017

Forum 1 - A Vision for "the Next Generation CiNii": Academic information service that supports Open Science

Fumihiko Kato, "Recent developments trends in overseas and what we aim for" (in Japanese)

Forum 2 - Let's Think about "the Next Generation Repository"

Masaharu Hayashi, "For future development; Next JAIRO Cloud / WEKO" (in Japanese)

Forum 3 -You Can Become a "Data Librarian" : Building research data management services

Forum Movie (Link to YouTube)

Robin Rice (EDINA), "Research Data Management Services in a UK Higher EducationInstitution: University of Edinburgh"

Nov. 1, 2017 : EDUCAUSE 2017

Miho Funamori,
"Setting the Agenda: Research Data Management--International and Institutional Intersections"

Sep. 15, 2017 : IUGONET Workshop

Kazutsuna Yamaji, "Next-generation repository system and the role of libraries in research data management" (in Japanese)

Sep. 4, 2017 : Workshop in Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Kazutsuna Yamaji, "Evolutionary collaboration between open science and academic repository and its expectation" (in Japanese)

May 26, 2017 : Seminar in Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto Univercity

Kazutsuna Yamaji, "New academic information infrastructure for open science and research fairness" (in Japanese)

Research Outputs related to our Work

Miho Funamori, "The World-wide Trend towards e-Research Infrastructure--Will it be the key factor for S&T international competitiveness?" (in Japanese)
AXIES 2017 Annual Meeting Presentation Material

Miho Funamori, "The World-wide Trend towards e-Research Infrastructure--Will it be the key factor for S&T international competitiveness?" (in Japanese)
AXIES 2017 Annual Meeting Paper

Miho Funamori, "Open Science and the Academy: A Theoretical Discussion"
2017 IIAI International Conference onAdvanced Applied Informatics (IIAIAAI)