Let's Change Japan's Research Infrastructure with RCOS!
We promote open science and data-driven science, whilst improving the reproducibility of research results. Our mission is to research and develop frameworks and common infrastructures to support this, and to provide support for their operation. We believe that working with us at RCOS to build and deliver what researchers and universities need with an open mind will have a significant impact on your life experience.

Learn from the World and Contribute to the World
We are constantly watching trends in the world's most advanced research infrastructures. We gain information from international conferences and visits to other countries, and also from our colleagues around the world, who keep us up-to-date. Based on such information we gained, we formulate our ideas on what is needed in Japan today.
We will make the results of our research and development as open as possible and contribute to the world as much as we can in return. We are committed not only to bridging the digital divide in the research environment in Japan, but also to closing the gap in the research environment around the world.

Become the Hub of the Universities and Research Institutions in Japan
We are always working with the relevant communities in Japan. There are subcommittees set up, for example, in AXIES (Academic eXchange for Information Environment and Strategy), a community for university ICT centers, and in JPCOAR (Japan Consortium for Open Access Repositories), a library community, which are closely related to us. We gather the needs and expectations of users through such communities and reflect them in our research and development.
Our services are provided to universities and research institutions across Japan. In order to build our services, it requires cutting-edge development and operational techniques that are based on the functionalities of the public cloud. We are constantly challenging ourselves to provide the latest functionality in a stable manner while employing Agile, CI/CD, and DevOps.
Current Recruitment
You can find information on employment opportunities at the National Institute of Informatics from the recruitment page of the National Institute of Informatics Web site.